
Will We Ski Again This Season? The Snow Says Yes!

snow action team 22.09.2021

Don’t you love it when your feeds are full of “Day of the Season!” posts and you can’t go!

The closer you are, but locked out of it, the worse it feels.

Like, it’s bad from Sydney, but Melbourne and Canberra are close enough to feel when it snows, see it on the hills etc and get more excited. Usually the colder it gets in a front the warmer it gets by the beach ahead of that as northerly sucks in so if you live on the easy street side of Sydney you can get relief there.

Great spring snow 21/9/21 at Perisher
Steve Leeder getting stuck in at Perisher Tuesday 21/9/21 © Steve Maxwell / Wildman Productions

There was enough of a top up to a still excellent snow pack to mean that there is still hope for some of us. The weekly snow readings from today at Spencer’s Creek should show it back up to 150cm or so, which will be more than double the same time last year (they did get 40cm the week after then).

If the ACT lockdown ends October 15 we will be there shortly thereafter for sure.

Kozi Cam is your best bet to check how it’s holding up – looking awesome 22/9/21 © Perisher

Bruce Easton from the back country snow gurus Wilderness Sports in Nuggets Crossing says we are looking at a cracker ‘2nd Season’ this spring for those who can go.

“Resorts and skiers fortunate to be in the mountains claimed DOTS (Day of The Season) yesterday. A best day with sunshine and fresh snow” he reports. “Off piste was even better for those less reliant on ski lifting.”

“With Thredbo closing later this week and Perisher early October the backcountry season just got even better with a deep snow pack and awesome snow cover up high the chutes and gullies.”

“Ski touring will be all time this Spring. Many anticipate good skiing right through to late November and awesome opportunities to camp and explore the high peaks for multi day adventures.”

Ditto that. Plenty left by mid-October end-of-lockdown works for us!

A lot of NSW is on track to be out of lockdown for the fully vaccinated by then too.

Can’t wait. Built the best veggie patch ever in the meantime, but tiring and rewarding as that is it’s not exactly frother material. Although keeping the possums out is next level life goal fulfilment..

Here’s one of our favourite late spots..