
Reality check lift pass sale at Buller

snow action team 18.06.2020

Blame COVID-19, blame iso fever, blame lockdown blues, blame the delayed season starts, but the bottom line of any season is enough snow to ski on and Buller’s limited lift pass sale from 11am today comes with that ultimate reality check. If there’s no snow, why go?

They have pushed the scheduled opening date back from June 22 to June 24. In fairness to Buller, given the uncertainty about having a season and then about the detail, they were unable to fire up their snowmaking – including the 2 snow factories – earlier. In a normal season they would have been open at least for the LWE as we reported earlier, and that system has the capacity to get them through with some terrain open.

But they couldn’t, so where are we we are.

Not quite there yet .. © Mt Buller

This is Buller’s latest update, very clear, and good advice to take on board generally re early season skiing.

There is currently very limited snow (view the live cams) and lift operations will be advised as snow conditions allow, so we urge you to consider these factors before purchase. Lift passes are only being offered from 24 June due to lack of snow cover. Lift operations will be reviewed and confirmed before then.

More passes for future dates will be rolled out in the coming weeks as we are assured inventory and the online store is working effectively.  The priority will be initially given to multi-day passes (2-7 days) for those with existing accommodation bookings and further sales as capacity allows.

We are taking a cautious approach to releasing lift passes to match the resort capacity – which is limited not only by COVID-19 restrictions but all-important snow conditions and lifting capacity.   If restrictions are able to ease throughout the winter more lift passes may be offered.

Thank you in advance for your patience and support as we rise to the challenge of opening a snow season during a pandemic.  


1. Head online here from 11am.

2. Be aware initially only lift passes valid during the dates of 24-28 June are available, conditions permitting.  Although the season is scheduled to open from the 22 June there is currently insufficient snow cover to enable lift operations until 24 June.

3. Lift pass sales for July will be advised shortly, with multi-day (2-7 day) passes to be issued first. Day passes will only be released, pending capacity, at 48 hours notice.

Remember, this year Mt Buller is required to operate on a reduced capacity to adapt to the COVID-19 guidelinesand this means reduced pass sales and lower numbers of guests in resort each day for the health and safety of all. 


Once you have secured lift passes we recommend you immediately book resort entry and parking here to complete your preparations. 

We also suggest you save this Resort Updates page and check in before your visit for important updates including snow conditions, lift operations, updated guidance on COVID regulations and fun stuff like What’s On in resort.