
Buller stays open! At last some good news..

snow action team 10.07.2020

Updating this Buller are staying open and they have today also released tickets for the rest of the season, as below:

The resort received 8cms of snow this weekend and continues to add to the cover with snow factories in operation 24/7.

A majority of operators, including restaurants, cafes, accommodation houses, retail and rental stores, movie cinema, gallery and activities, have confirmed they will remain open and are ready to welcome visitors.

Lift tickets for the remainder of the 2020 season were released today and are available for purchase online.

Mt Stirling is also open for hiking and sightseeing, although is awaiting additional snow cover to enable skiing and split boarding.

All visitors to both resorts MUST pre-book before visiting and a reminder for residents of the Melbourne metropolitan area or the Mitchell Shire, the Stage 3 Stay at Home restrictions apply until 19 August.

More details on Mt Buller’s operations available here: www.bit.ly/bullerstayingopen   

Great news out of Buller –

Mt Buller is pleased to confirm continued lift operations beyond 12 July ensuring access to the ski area and lessons on an appropriate scale for as long as conditions permit. 

You can check the live Buller cam anytime on our home page now – just clic play to update it


Resort CEO Mark Bennetts and Buller Ski Lifts General Manager Laurie Blampied jointly made the announcement, “This year has been incredibly tough on our community through fires and coronavirus (COVID-19) but we remain committed and determined in the face of this latest challenge to support the local people and those in our region who rely on tourism. The resort is maintaining a rigorous safety protocol and is ready to welcome regional Victorians to the mountains.   We sincerely thank our valued guests from Melbourne and Mitchell Shire for their understanding as they stay home and we process refunds and changes.  We look forward to when we can welcome everyone back once this challenge has passed.”

Laurie Blampied explained, “The decision to continue running ski lifts, lessons and snowmaking was reached with the well-being and livelihoods of our employees, the community and our guests in mind.  Remaining open is not an easy decision however we believe it is in the best interests of our community and regional Victorians. 

Health and safety remains paramount as we carefully move forward in accordance with public health guidelines for the alpine industry, and to support our regional economy and the skiers and snowboarders of Victoria.

The latest restrictions have impacted the number of visitors able to come to the resort in the next 6 weeks while the borders are closed and the lockdown is in place. Buller Ski Lifts acknowledges the support of the government as the alpine resorts have worked collaboratively to open safely during the pandemic for the benefit of residents and guests.”

Mark Bennetts confirmed that the Mt Buller & Mt Stirling Resorts will remain open for visitors unless there is alternate direction from the State Government,

“We will continue to operate under our COVID Safe Plan, providing the essential services that support the Mt Buller and Mt Stirling alpine community. We welcome the decision by Buller Ski Lifts to continue lift and snowmaking operations. While some businesses and lodges may not be able to continue operating through this next phase, we appreciate the commitment of those who decide to do so as we adapt to changes in visitation.”

Buller Ski Lifts is progressively releasing lift ticket sales in line with capacity. People with season resort entry passes and season lift pass memberships can continue to use their passes if they are permitted to be within the resorts in accordance with the government’s coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions.

People living in metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire must follow the changed restrictions and stay home. Those with bookings will be eligible for refunds and changes.
