Arc'teryx Rush Shell Jacket great for travelling skiers & boarders
Arc’teryx has a well earned reputation for delivering quality outdoor gear that does the job and lasts. They are also versatile, which with big O/S missions just around the corner is a key consideration. To keep weight down and be ready for snow and whatever other weather the new Arc’teryx Rush shell jacket is ideal.
This jacket is for the hardcore skiier/snowboarder who requires the best gear for extreme mountain conditions.
The Rush’s minimalist design keeps weight down, while maintaining a full set of alpine features. Specifically designed for ski and snowboard lovers, the Rush jacket offers the difficult to achieve combination of high performance and maximum warmth. Arc’teryx takes a layer-based approach to their designs, to create products that compliment one another when worn together. The Rush is a shell jacket, creating a barrier to extreme weather that is both rugged and breathable.
Two zippered water tight hand pockets offer warmth and storage options, while an internal dump pocket is the perfect size for goggles or gloves. The Rush also incorporates the ergonomically designed Stormhood with a one-handed draw cord, which is helmet compatible, as well as a water tight sleeve stash pocket which is ideal for mountain passes or cash.
A laminated powder skirt prevents snow from getting up under your jacket or down your pants, because who likes snow in their pants? You’ll also benefit from water tight pit zips, which assists with body temperature regulation while you’re on the slopes.
The Arc’teryx Rush is holistically geared towards form and function. The fit, patterning and features all combine to create a high performance jacket to leave you warm, comfortable and looking good when you’re hitting the mountain.
N80p-X GORE-TEX® Pro 3L
N40r-X GORE-TEX® Pro 3L
Arc’teryx Rush RRP: $AUD 899.00
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