Dealbreakers for Babies and Toddlers in the Snow

Emma Wilson 02.07.2024

Dealbreakers for Babies and Toddlers in the Snow 

It’s the small things that are the deal-breakers with babies and toddlers. Here’s 5 things to consider when packing for your family trip with a young family.

The Backpack

Do not leave home without one per child. This is your home base, your comfort item and theirs all rolled into one. Ech child will have extra socks, undies, snacks, water, spare goggles, an extra layer, a book and toys in it. Nappies if they wear them.They will need everything or they will need nothing but you do not want to get this wrong and not have a backpack with options in it.

The One Piece

One piece ski suits are warm for kids and make sense that they don’t get snow down their pants when they fall over and therefore in theory everything stays dry. Can they change out of the one piece themself or have you to physically help them?

If they need help, the one piece is an epic fail, it’s a losing wrestle in the bathrooms, they can be difficult to take off. Ski school is even more difficult as your child may not want to ask anyone, ski school kids often have to wear special bibs over their ski wear and it’s locks them into the suit. Without an adult standing them helping them take their helmet off first the bib off then the ski suit last – many an accident has been had. 

Mittens vs Gloves

Mittens are warmer for kids so I recommend these every time. They don’t need the best quality gloves if you can’t afford them but you will need to have a spare pair of gloves if the gloves are cheap or light as their hands will get soaked easily, especially if they’re playing in the snow as this age group does fur fun.


Apres boots are best, something with grip on the bottom and built for the snow. No gumboots or thongs, socks or bare feet. 


Always pack extra snacks, babies and toddlers declare hunger right when the cafe is closed or you’re driving away from the shop or everything is expensive or they don’t have the right (insert snack choice). Take your own and they can always eat it in the car heading home. Good choices – depending on the ages of the kids – squeezy yogurts, muesli bars, fruit (cut up apples, mandarines, bananas / cut up grapes and strawberries), cut up sandwiches,  water, tubs of guacamole (just smashed avo and lemon and a pinch of salt). Steer clear of sugary choices as that will just make them thirsty and grouchy.

Pull ups or nappies (diapers)

Let’s talk about toilet training. If you have any say in the timing, delay your toilet training till after a snow trip. It’s another factor you just don’t need. If the toddler is in the first year of being toilet trained and you’re not 100% confident they will stay dry you can put them in a pull-up just for ‘emergencies’. For some this may seem like a backwards step but for parents of older kids they will tell you that one extra week of pull ups will do no long lasting damage but it may help them feel comfortable and happy and dry in case of slip ups.
Click here for more tips for families on snow holidays and subscribe to Loving the Snowlife podcast for more travel tips.