Ryan Tienes has developed some truly amazing camps that not only showcase his own snowboarding prowess and passion but also elevate the skills of other snowboarders.
Ex-professional snowboarder, Ryan has expanded his reach to include mental strength camps that transcend the boundaries of snowboarding and extend to surfing and wakeboarding.
“We realised this was a multi-purpose camp and could help more than snow athletes. We now have Snow, Surf, Wake, and mental strength camps for those not wanting to work on a specific sport. I’m stoked to team up with leading boardsport athletes and industry experts to deliver a camp that not only pushes you on the board but has the essential elements of the mental edge” Ryan
December/January Holidays Camps:
1. **Readiness Camp**
Focuses on mental game, confidence cultivation, and overcoming fears.
Provides a holistic approach to preparation.
2. **Airbag Camp**
Following the Readiness Camp, this camp emphasizes skill development in a controlled environment.
Takes place during the Christmas break.
3. **Italy Livigno Camp**
Integrates mental strength and airbag training into on-snow mastery.
Builds upon the skills developed in the previous camps.
April School Holiday Camps:
1. **Airbag Camp**
Weekly sessions focusing on skill enhancement for the upcoming season.
Directly precedes the 2-week Whistler camp, maximizing the transition from airbag training to on-snow performance.
2. **Whistler Camp**
Builds upon the skills developed in the Airbag Camp.
Aims to provide immediate on-snow opportunities for optimal results.
July School Holidays – Term 3 Thredbo Option:
1. **July School Holiday Camp**
Daily airbag sessions combined with on-snow components for enhanced results.
Offers a seasonal program in collaboration with Thredbo Mountain Academy, integrating airbag training and acrobatics.
Provides seasonal housing options with in-house tutoring to support students’ studies while maximizing on-snow time.
September/October Holidays:
1. **NZ Spring Camp or Thredbo Private Spring Park (TBD)**
Depending on the season, offers either a camp in New Zealand during spring or a private spring park option at Thredbo.
Stay tuned for updates on this exciting opportunity!
Here is a link to the Readiness Camps readinesscamps.com