
Turn and Burn Camps, Are you Ready?

Emma Wilson 30.04.2024

Ryan Tienes has developed some truly amazing camps that not only showcase his own snowboarding prowess and passion but also elevate the skills of other snowboarders.

Ex-professional snowboarder, Ryan has expanded his reach to include mental strength camps that transcend the boundaries of snowboarding and extend to surfing and wakeboarding. 

 “​We realised this was a multi-purpose camp and could help more than snow athletes. We now have Snow, Surf, Wake, and mental strength camps for those not wanting to work on a specific sport. I’m stoked to team up with leading boardsport athletes and industry experts to deliver a camp that not only pushes you on the board but has the essential elements of the mental edge” Ryan

December/January Holidays Camps:

1. **Readiness Camp**

   Focuses on mental game, confidence cultivation, and overcoming fears.

   Provides a holistic approach to preparation.

2. **Airbag Camp**

 Following the Readiness Camp, this camp emphasizes skill development in a controlled environment.

 Takes place during the Christmas break.

3. **Italy Livigno Camp**

    Integrates mental strength and airbag training into on-snow mastery.

    Builds upon the skills developed in the previous camps.

April School Holiday Camps:

1. **Airbag Camp**

   Weekly sessions focusing on skill enhancement for the upcoming season.

   Directly precedes the 2-week Whistler camp, maximizing the transition from airbag training to on-snow performance.

2. **Whistler Camp**

   Builds upon the skills developed in the Airbag Camp.

   Aims to provide immediate on-snow opportunities for optimal results.

July School Holidays – Term 3 Thredbo Option:

1. **July School Holiday Camp**

   Daily airbag sessions combined with on-snow components for enhanced results.

  Offers a seasonal program in collaboration with Thredbo Mountain Academy, integrating airbag training and acrobatics.

  Provides seasonal housing options with in-house tutoring to support students’ studies while maximizing on-snow time.

September/October Holidays:

1. **NZ Spring Camp or Thredbo Private Spring Park (TBD)**

Depending on the season, offers either a camp in New Zealand during spring or a private spring park option at Thredbo.

Stay tuned for updates on this exciting opportunity!
Here is a link to the Readiness Camps readinesscamps.com