Thredbo snowmaking fixed and sky snow coming too

snow action team 03.08.2020

What is it about 2020? Just when snowmaking got more important than ever at Thredbo a leaking main water pipe pretty much shut much of the snowmaking system down over recent days.

Contrary to speculation neither cost cutting nor an impending COVID-closure were responsible for the lack of snowmaking the past few nights. Just a leak in an old pipe.

Thredbo snow conditions today
Snowgums is rolling, and yes, more snow will sure help © Snow Action

After excavation revealed it was too far gone to be welded a temporary seal and concrete pour fix has been applied. As soon as that cures the guns can pump again and improve the cover as normal.

Our local crew are nothing if not fanatics, sub-optimal conditions don’t stop them, they ski and ride every day – shooting these today.

The first change is blowing in with a few centimetres due overnight and through Tuesday and Wednesday with cold temperatures, then a few more centimetres (10-15) Friday and Saturday – all snow up higher, snow then rain in the village. We’ll see.

Also on the bright side, Snowgums has opened.

So let’s hope NSW can keep the lid on COVID and we can keep skiing & riding, in better conditions!

View from Crackenback chair today August 3rd © Snow Action