
Happy Birthday Mt Hutt

snow action team 10.08.2013

New Zealand’s iconic Mt Hutt ski area is celebrating 40 seasons this year – growing quickly from the original naysayers who said the road couldn’t be built to access it to become arguably NZ’s best all round ski mountain, despite receiving much less hype and attention than the smaller Queenstown areas.

For Snow Action it’s got sentimental appeal above and beyond as it was a honeymoon trip here back in 1985 that really kicked off our love of skiing that led to guide books on skiing New Zealand, then South America, then editing ski mags for others before founding Snow Action 17 years ago, which has been the number #1 circulation mag in the Southern Hemisphere for many years.

So thanks Mt Hutt – if you have never been get along this season, September is invariably a great month, back in the day they used to open till November most years but these days the corporate bean counters pull the plug a lot earlier than the spring snow conditions warrant. It usually offers the best spring skiing in Australasia, a great option for our late school holidays.

The lifts have improved, there’s snowmaking, and you don’t face an antarctic gale up your derriere in the toilets anymore, but the awesome view and spectacular terrain remain the same.

For more on the Hutt check our Travel Editor Dave Windsor’s feature here https://snowaction.com.au/archives/1791

For a deal ex-Australia try www.mysnow.com.au

For resort info etc go to www.nzski.com

Original tows on Mt Hutt_media