From disaster springs opportunity and Australia’s regional airline REX is a prime example.
Their new 737-800 Melbourne – Sydney services are being matched with some great new thru-fares from regional centres for travel from 1st of March 2021.
One example which would open up the snow choices for Victorians are Melbourne – Cooma fares from $208.

Or conversely if you’re a Victorian who moved to the NSW north coast, head home to Melbourne from Grafton/Yamba for $198, or Ballina. Visit friends and family, catch a game of footy, and scoot up to Buller.
There are lots of options – REX fly to both regional snow gateway airports, Albury and Cooma, apart from Melbourne itself.
At this stage winter schedules have yet to be set. Regional routes are currently being propped up by the Federal governments RANS funding which ends in March.
“Then it purely depends on returning passenger demand” says REX’s Ben Worsley.
REX’s new fleet of six 737-800s for the capital city routes, in conjunction with their 60 Saab 340 aircraft, will be enough to maintain good frequency. Simpler regional connections will be a bonus.
For the autumn deals check their website here.
We’ll keep you posted as soon as there is more detailed news on snow season services and fares.