Mt Baw Baw adds snow factory guarantees snow

snow action team 28.02.2018

Mt Baw Baw is adding a snow factory to guarantee snow for the 2018 season! And you can still grab their 2018 Early Bird Season Pass offer for $299 which has to be about the cheapest skiing and riding ever in Australia. We’ve said many times that Mt Baw Baw offers the best value ski and snowboard experience on the mainland, and with their new TechnoAlpin Snow Factory 100 R717 in place they are set to lay down a base like never before.

Skiing and boarding at friendly Mt Baw Baw

Get your crew together and get up to Baw Baw for opening weekend © Mt Baw Baw

Snow Fridge technology has consistently proven itself around the globe, and in Australia since Buller introduced one last year. The snow factory difference is that it effectively makes snow in all weathers, with the ability to stockpile 110 cubic metres a day. That makes a base load of snow to be pushed around and compacted by the groomers that can be topped up whenever normal snow guns can be fired up as well. Sure it’s not Japow coming out of the factory, but a more solid slurpee style mix you could likely make a million margaritas with instead. That then packs down, bonds well, and resists the worst of whatever our fickle winters can throw at it.

Snow Factory

Mt Baw Baw is getting one of these babies! © Techno-Alpin

Buller first showed what their new snow factory could do making a demo patch of snow last April, and it worked a treat for them. Mountain Manager Nick Reeves told SnowAction it was a game changer there last June, allowing skiing right from the get go of the season.

kids skiing at Mt Baw Baw

Mt Baw Baw is perfect to get the kids started © Mt Baw Baw

So Baw Baw’s announcement is big news for all of us trying to ski and board on a budget.
Mt Baw Baw General Manager John Fascio shared his excitement for the mountain’s new installation, encouraging snow goers to get in early and book now to ensure a spot in the snow.
“Being one of the few alpine resorts in Victoria with a snow factory, we’re convinced this will be our best season yet in attracting visitors from all over, whether it be Australian families or tourists seeing snow for the first time,” Fascio said.
“With  the  capability  to produce snow 24 hours, 7 days a week, we are encouraging  everyone to come up opening weekend and throughout the snow season to experience our toboggan parks, runs and other snow activities like never before,” he added.
With  30  percent  of  the  Mt Baw Baw runs designed for beginners, the mountain is an ideal destination for young children or beginner adults, and with their fun park set up there’s plenty for budding freestylers to get stuck into as well.

Sensational Early Bird Season Deal at Mt Baw Baw

Hurry, get on this by April 1st and get a whole season at Mt Baw Baw for $299 – with the snow factory guaranteeing cover that means more days to use it. Need to clic on the link and fill out the application form here – after April 1st goes up to $550 so get on it now.

Staying at Mt Baw Baw

But Mt Baw Baw offers a range of on snow accommodation and packages, for all the magic of staying on the mountain at more affordable rates.
Choose apartments, ski lodges – the first club lodge was built here back in 1945 – cabins, and budget lodge, backpacker & flashpacker style too.
There is something that works for families through to young crew keen to party at the pub and just crash. Check the full selection & rates/bookings here.

Getting to Mt Baw Baw

It’s the closest ski resort to Melbourne, ​just 150 km and an easy day trip.
If you don’t want to drive you can get V-line train to Moe and connecting bus from there. Midweek trains depart Flinders St Station at 7:24, arrive Moe 9:18 and the bus gets you to Baw Baw at 10:30. Saturdays depart Melbourne 7:30 and be at Baw Baw 10:30, sunday train departs 8:10 getting you to Baw Baw at 11:00am. Return time is between 5.5 and 6.5 hours later depending on the day – $70 return, check times/book bus here or for smaller groups get 4WD transfers from Moe here
The last part of the road is windy mountain forest road, and you may need to fit chains, so letting someone else do the driving in properly equipped vehicles makes it easier.
Flying in from interstate there are fast, luxurious transfers direct from Melbourne airport, city hotels or the eastern/northern suburbs. This service is available day or night, at whatever times suit your flights. For airport pick-ups they provide our driver’s mobile phone number, so that you can call when you are ready at the kerb (Arrivals level, outer concourse) with your luggage. The mini-bus will then arrive within 5 minutes (wave madly!). Travel time is 2.5-3.5 hours depending on time of day, plus any stops required.
See map below and for full route option details here

Some handy links for Mt Baw Baw

Boarding at Mt Baw Baw

Cheaper boarding guaranteed? Sounds like a plan! © Mt Baw Baw