
Knee Binding adds new ‘hard core 14’ to their acl-saving mix

snow action team 29.04.2015

Knee Binding adds new ‘hard core 14’ to their acl-saving mix

If you are not one of the 70,000 skiers that injured an ACL last year, chances are you know one of them. KneeBinding, Inc., from historic Stowe, Vermont, has made it its mission to reduce on-snow ACL injuries while offering a skiing experience with unparalleled performance, edge-grip, leverage and retention. Just as the now-ubiquitous ‘safety binding’ (lateral toe/forward heel release) drastically reduced broken legs from the sport decades ago, KneeBinding’s addition of a patented, PureLateral™ heel mechanism has proven just as effective at protecting skiers against the most common cause of ACL injuries. Now in its 7th season, and with an international list of nearly 500 retail partners, KneeBinding has still not received a single report of a rear-weighted ACL injury on KneeBindings – an impressive feat considering this is the most frequently reported injury in the sport, with one rear-weighted ACL injury for every 1900 skier days on all other brands of bindings.

KneeBindings are available in select shops in Australia & New Zealand, which will debut the new ‘HardCore14’ model this season.

More and stockists www.KneeBinding.com

New Hard Core model

New Hard Core model