“It’s the best June opening snow I can remember” says born and bred buller local Rob Aivatoglou from George’s Ski Hire. He has spent most of his 53 winters on the mountain, including school days back in the 70s.
Dad George has been up there since the 60s, and likewise can’t recall a better June season kick-off.
“From when the storms started it just stayed cold so the snow conditions were great too” says Rob, who knows a thing or two about finding the best snow on the mountain whatever the conditions – during lockdown 2020 him and a couple of mates even made an epic ski down the Buller access road.

No chance of that this year – the road was chocker and car parks full by late morning over the LWE.
Apart from the considerable amount of open lift-accessed terrain he got out onto a few of his favourites with the help of skins. Not that he could escape too much from the shop.
“It was a great long weekend. After the past couple of years everybody in the resort needs this. Forward bookings are really strong so hopefully this is the comeback season for all of us working up at Buller.”

According to Mt Buller the average snow-depth on the ski runs was sitting between 78-85cms across the weekend festivities. The strong early snowfalls saw the resort open a week early on Saturday 4 June, and for the long weekend much more terrain was opened for the eager crowds.
“It’s the most snow we’ve ever recorded for a June long weekend and everyone is amazed to be skiing and boarding on the amount of cover we usually wait until mid-season to experience,” said Noel Landry General Manager of Buller Ski Lifts. “The team here are building some serious muscles from all the shovelling and de-icing that is going on around the resort in order to get lifts open and clear entry ways and paths.”

If you can, drop everything and scoot on up midweek. Grab any last minute June accommodation deals you can. How good is this for mid-June?
The bumper snowfalls have seen record levels of bookings for lift passes, accommodation and lessons and snow-lovers are advised to plan ahead, book in snow stays now and explore mid-week visits when there is more capacity.
Instead of the normal wait for the first decent natrual snowfall and rely on snowmaking in the meantime it’s excellent already. Reliable snow forecasters are predicting some decent top ups too in the next couple of weeks.
Essentially it’s a midwinter base to start the season. Can’t ask for more than that!
Book your Buller passes/accommodation etc on the website here
For a great deal on hire and buying drop into/book online at George’s Ski Hire